Author: Chris Mears

  • How To Set Up A Livestream DJ Studio With 3-Point Lighting

    How To Set Up A Livestream DJ Studio With 3-Point Lighting

    The best clubs have thumping music and a great light show. The best concerts are highlighted by bright colorful lights that make the performers look like they’re on stage in front of thousands. This is 3 point lighting 101, and it will make your livestream performance pop!

  • Growing a DJ livestream community

    Growing a DJ livestream community

    Hosting a DJ livestream and growing your audience can be a challenging task. If you want to grow your community, you need to know how to differentiate yourself from the saturated market and make sure they keep coming back.

  • 7 Tips to Get in the Groove Before Going Live

    7 Tips to Get in the Groove Before Going Live

    Okay, so you’ve got your microphone, camera, and livestream all set up. You’ve just done a quick check of how you look on camera (and are still feeling good about it). But NOW what? There’s an art to getting into the right frame of mind before you go live. And it’s not just about having…