The guide includes loads of essential information for gear that I, along with many others have had to deal with on our years on the circuit

Widdzy (Drum & Bass DJ, UK)


You’ve just landed a new gig. But then the promoter tells you the gear you’ll be playing on is a 15 year old CDJ you’ve never used before.

Would you know what to do?

I’ve condensed hundreds of pages of manuals and firmware updates, hours of video, interviews with professional DJs and my own experience into one simple downloadable guide to give you confidence in every DJ Booth.

Does this sound like you?

  • You’ve only used one type of CDJ
    But now you are starting to get gigs at venues with different setups that you aren’t used to. You want to know the differences that will affect your set
  • You need to get familiar with a new CDJ
    You’ve watched feature walkthroughs on YouTube. But you’re still uncertain about what exactly will catch you out and want a quick way to get prepared
  • You want to be ready for anything
    You are already a seasoned DJ. But you want to be able to perform confidently in any DJ booth, even those with unexpected gear

Whether you’re facing a different CDJ for the first time or want to master multiple models, the DJ Booth Battle Pack eliminates panic by highlighting the essential differences you need to make to your DJing. Its practical approach helps you stay confident and adapt quickly.

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