Personalise and play
Learn the settings you can automatically apply to CDJs with your USB drive using Rekordbox’s My Settings feature
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- 3 CDJs covered
- Downloadable PDF
- Regularly updated
You walk up to the CDJs to play your gig. Then, you realise the DJ before you has everything setup differently to how you like it.
The beat jump value is different, quantise is turned off and your hot cues don’t load automatically.
Rekordbox has a feature called ‘My settings’ that can automatically set all your preferences just by plugging in your USB drive. But it is poorly documented, and compatibility varies greatly between CDJ models.
This easy to follow quick guide helps you understand what settings work on what CDJ so that you can be spend less time setting up and more time playing.
The only guide you need to personalise your gear
All modern CDJs
The guide covers the CDJ-3000, CDJ-2000NXS2 and CDJ-2000NXS
Easy to follow
The settings are broken down into easy to understand sections and categories
Regularly updated
My Settings has little official documentation. We crowdsource and add updates from our community.
About the author
Chris has been DJing for over 20 years and has over 2 million views on YouTube where he teaches DJs how to improve their libraries, use Rekordbox to save time and get comfortable on club gear.
What’s included
The 8 page CDJ My Settings PDF Guide has everything you need to understand what settings are likely to work on your setup.
- All compatible models: Guides for CDJ-3000, CDJ-2000NXS2, CDJ-2000NXS
- Quick comparison: Easy to follow table shows you compatibility at a glance